Our leaders are working to ensure God's purpose for our church is fulfilled. You can see them up front and working behind the scenes. They're real people, with real challenges, real jobs in the real world, and real personalities, just like you.
What would you do with a free day?
I would play dominions with my family or fish.
What is your highest education?
I have a Masters's Degree in Bible Theology, a Greek Biblical Language Endorsement, and a Masters's in Educational Leadership.
What's your favorite snack?
Organic chocolate and shortbread cookies.
If you were given an extra hour in a day to do whatever you want, what would you do? I would either have a date night with my wife or read the Word, or do them both.
Your day job? I am a High School Principal
What would you do with a free day?
I would hang out with my family.
What inspires you? God
What's your highest education? Masters's Degree in Educational Leadership
What's your day job? Founder and Principal of Christ Academy Middle School
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